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Creativity, Art and NEMMA's Art-aWhirl®

Starting this Friday evening at 5 pm Central, you can virtually visit Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association’s Art-a-Whirl® online. I am gearing up for it by adding items to my online shop that have previously only been for sale at events, and diligently working on developing a new hemp blouse for pre-order. And because I won’t be tied to my own booth, I might even be able to do some of my own virtual exploration. But I wanted to spend some time acknowledging what we are all experiencing during this pandemic as well as the role of creativity and the arts. In my own circles I have been noticing that many people are hitting a slump of some kind: this feels...

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The Value of Resilience

If you live long enough, sooner or later you face a major blow, whether it is a single event or a prolonged condition. Whether the trauma is in the past, present or future, the ability to bounce back is what resilience is all about. Sometimes people think of resilience as something you either have or you don’t have. The good news is that it can be cultivated and reinforced at any time. The ideas apply to a person, a community or an organization. Though in a different context, I long ago heard the advice, "make everything count twice." That phrase has stuck with me ever since. However, it has morphed into a new meaning for me, from a message of...

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Goals for 2018, and the Silliest Offer Ever

It’s not too late to talk about goals and resolutions for 2018, no? Actually, I feel that writing this towards the end of January has given me the chance to tweak my goals a bit and see what I really want to reach for. I landed on three serious goals and one goofy one. This year is starting out with a different feeling for me. One of renewal, growth, emergence and new vigor. My goals are reflecting that this year. Some years I make no resolutions at all, but every few years, I hit a big one. This is one of those years! One goal is to be more socially connected. I’ve cocooned this fall, and now it is time...

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My journey on a closet update: Part 1

I’ve decided that my personal style needs something. An update, an overhaul, an addition of spice, an infusion: I’m not sure. What precipitated this, of all things, is that I decided to stop dying my hair, and see what it looks like with grey. I don’t even quite know how much I have. Admittedly, I am worried about looking older. On the other hand, I was inspired to do so when someone at my kids’ school grew out her grey, and she looks great. I know I can always go back. Hair grows. However, I think I’m ready. But to pull it off how I want to, I need to up the ante in terms of style. Which might at...

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